Capturing moments.



/ˈmōmənt/ - noun

1. a very brief period of time.

2. importance.

This important and brief period of time needs to be captured. They aren't scripted or staged. They happen naturally, comfortably. These Moments are what I would like to give you to remember!

And printed...But, that's a whole other definition...


Social Media exposure is the new norm…

Let us create some great video advertising that helps push your brand and business philosophy.


Weddings, Animals, Businesses, Events, Headshots & More!

Photography is a great way to celebrate, promote and print. Let’s connect and figure out your photo needs!

Being behind a camera is a dream fulfilled. It is falling in love with that moment, becoming lost in it, and then capturing it.

Let’s meet up in real life to plan your next photo or video shoot! Or sign up for Pricing Discounts and more.

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